A photo of an angler holding a stunning brown trout caught at Lake Otamangakau is the overall winner of this year’s DOC Taupō fishery photo competition.
The winning image by Dion James of Rotorua who featured in the February issue of Advneture see HERE will feature on the 2023/24 Taupō fishery printed plastic licences.
Six additional winners will see their photos used to illustrate a range of licence options which appear within DOC’s online fishing licence store or on the 24-hour paper licences.
Competition judges had a tough job working through hundreds of entries. Taupō Fishery Senior Ranger James Barnett – who has a background in design and communications – says he was impressed by the quality of the images.
The winning image of a brown trout caught at Lake Otamangakau
Image: Dion James
“Thank you to everyone who submitted photos, the quality was very high and gave the judges plenty to discuss,” James says.
“We were impressed by the variety photos, which came from experienced local anglers to visitors giving trout fishing a go for the first time, and from trout fishing veterans to kids learning the ropes.
“It’s the wealth of opportunity on offer to anglers that really sums up the Taupō fishery. We hope this is reflected in the winning photographs,” James says.
The prizes were season fishing licences, which sets the winners up nicely for the new Taupō fishing season opening on 1 July 2023. People can buy new season licences from 24 June using the online licence store.
A variety of licence categories are available to suit the specific needs of anglers. Go to the Taupō fishery online licence store for more information.