Currently most FAQs relate to Pure Turoa’s acquisition process for the Ruapehu Alpine Lifts Ltd (in receivership).
A bright future for North Island snowsports. Private companies are able to bring in private funds for investment rather than selling future revenue at a discount to raise capital, or approaching the local community and pass holders to contribute extra funds. As a private company, we’ll be driven to continually build and deliver the best products possible and with competitive pricing.

What Happens To My RAL Life Pass?
Unfortunately the status of Life Pass Holders with RAL in receivership is that they are not required to be honoured. Life Passes can currently still be used on the Whakapapa gondola (Sky Waka) summer operation. Pure Turoa Ltd recognises the RAL LPH community’s support, commitment and passion for Tūroa. As we move forward as a new company we do not see the life pass model as being viable in the future. However, we do look forward to offering RAL LPHs a great multi-year offer only available to their community. Well keep you updated with details released in March 2024.
What’s Happening with the Group Opposing PTLs Concession Application?
A facebook based group, the RSSA, also an early unsuccessful bidder for the RAL assets, have their own ideas around the future of Ruapehu skiing. This group originally appeared to have good intentions around representing the Life Pass Holder community but over time seems to have changed into a relatively small activist group aiming to disrupt the RAL asset sale process. We have not seen a lot of community or stakeholder support for their plans and have not been able to clearly ascertain what their often-changing objectives are. We know they are mounting a legal challenge to the process but we’re not letting this get in the way of continuing to work around the clock to ensure a secure future for Tūroa. It’s disappointing to hear their legal action will be a significant cost to the taxpayer through the Crown’s requirement to fund a defence of the receivership process. We’re happy to engage with this group or anyone with constructive ideas to contribute, but as yet have not been approached by this group since the bidding process began early last year. We are very proud to say we are supported by nearly 100% of local businesses and all of the current Turoa Staff (the legends that they are).
What’s Going To Happen During Summer?
Pure Turoa are excited to start planning a summer season offering. A small beginning with a Food & Beverage offering at first but looking to provide fun activities for all ages in the coming years.
Can We See Your Financials?
While we appreciate you having an interest in our financials this is not something we will be providing. As private company it is commercially sensitive information and our investors have requested we keep the financials confidential. Rest assured that through the bidding process and eventually progressing to becoming MBIEs preferred bidder for the Tūroa assets, our business plan and financial stability was rigorously scrutinised by Calibre Partners on behalf of the Crown.
Is The Government Involved?
Yes The Crown will hold a 25% share. This helps provide certainty around the long term sustainability of the ski field and means all New Zealanders effectively have an interest and benefit from a successful operation.

What Are You Doing For The Locals?
PTL will offer a super deal to anyone working any job within the Ohakune and Raetihi areas. Also because we very much want the local kids involved in skiing (our future loyal skiers!) we will be giving all primary schools in the district a FREE season pass. This will include all schools in the Taihape to National Park catchment areas.
Will The New Express Lift Have A Mid Station?
Yes we believe this is very important for beginner runs and low snow seasons.
Only A Ten Year Concession?
Under the circumstances, a 10 year Concession term was all that was possible. However, we have worked closely with DoC and iwi to enable a process that incorporates a review in 3 years, at which stage we then apply to extend a further 20 years. All parties involved in the Concession process are very aware that certainty around this longer Concession is required to enable any large capital investment.

Why Remove The Nga Wai Heke? Are You Crazy?
We love the Nga Wai Heke so this was a really tough decision of which we had to consider many factors:
PTL or any operator is required to reduce the footprint on the maunga in the coming years to meet DoC and iwi objectives.
A financial return on the running costs coupled with very limited opening days unfortunately doesn’t stack up.
The cost of removal is estimated at $3M. This is a cost PTL would be required to fund in a few years time if we don’t agree to a DoC arrangement to remove it in the shorter term. Our view is that these funds would be better deployed elsewhere to improve customer experience.
Iwi feel very strongly that the physical footprint on the maunga should be reduced.
Tūroa also operates under tight electricity constraints and we have to factor this into all operations on a cost/benefit basis.
Less Lifts = More Queues?
No…the new detachable would have more uphill capacity than three of the current fixed grip lifts. This helps reduce wait times and allows us to open faster.
The is from teh Pure Turoa Website – HERE is the LINK-