
Hands off my Bottom

NEWS ????

In our continued support of legasea – here is a current update:

Hands off my Bottom campaigning takes on new meaning as we contemplate the government’s latest proposals for the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. Nowhere amongst their four options is there any sense that our voice has been heard. Bottom trawling, dredging and Danish seining will continue in the Marine Park for the foreseeable future, unless we make a stand.

Now that their plans are exposed we have to put our hands up for banning bulk harvesting, mobile bottom destroying fishing methods from our Marine Park. Because if we don’t ban all industrial fishing it will just shift into Northland, the Coromandel and Bay of Plenty. And that’s not fair!

The devil is always in the detail, so we’re going through the documents now and will provide regular updates on what it all means.

Submissions are due with Fisheries New Zealand by 6 November. However, if you can’t wait and want to speak up now you can submit here. Don’t forget to copy us into your email.

We’ll also be putting together an easy-peasy submission form to help you have your voice heard. Stay tuned!

more details see here

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