
Recently @FMCNZ launched their Wilderness Area mapping tool.

Official Wilderness Areas are large patches of pristine environments, legally preserved as close to their pre-human state as possible. Beyond a few special exceptions which include biodiversity and rescue, there is no helicopter access, and no huts or tracks.  They give people a rare opportunity to recreate in nature, entirely on nature’s own terms.

Recently @FMCNZ launched their Wilderness Area mapping tool. http://www.fmc.org.nz/wilderness-areas

For the first time ever, you can clearly view the boundaries of all the gazetted (official) and proposed Wilderness Areas on an interactive topographical map. Layers showing all National Parks and other Public Conservation Land are available, as are links to more information about each of the Wilderness Areas.

FMC has been a leader in the preservation of Wilderness values for decades; most notably since their 1981 Wilderness conference. For the last 40 years, they have been determinedly advocating for the creation of these areas proposed at the conference, with many becoming officially gazetted.

Check out the boundaries, plan your trips, have your adventures know your Wilderness Areas and show your support to FMC to help them keep advocating for their protection. www.fmc.org.nz/join

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