Field of Red Bull X-Alps athletes attempting to cross 1,223km route around the Alps now stretched
between three countries.
The leading athletes of the world’s toughest adventure race are today hoping to reach the Swiss town of
Fiesch, situated at the base of the mighty Aletsch glacier.
But there was something stopping their way – the notorious Oberalp pass, the famous crossroads of
the Alps, the watershed for the Rhine and Rhone rivers. French athlete Max Pinot (FRA1) was first to try
his luck around 13:30 but turned back in the face of strong headwinds funneling through the pass.
Patrick von Känel (SUI2) was next to try to get over. Athletes were desperate to clear the famous
landmark as the next stage to Fiesch is a relatively smooth run.
The day had begun with Chrigel Maurer (SUI1), Maxime Pinot (FRA1) and Aaron Durogati (ITA2) near the
fifth Turnpoint of Piz Buin, having tagged it last night. Before dawn and in the dark, they hiked 800m to
the top of the 2,700m Klosterpass before gliding to the village of Klosters. From there, another 800m
hike awaited to the top of Gotschna ridge, which the athletes reached at 08:30am.
“Nearly 2000m, before 9am,” commented Italian athlete Aaron Durogati on the way up. During the
ascent he explained his race strategy was to do as much of the race as possible without support –
which meant carrying a rucksack at least 4kg heavier than the others. “It makes a big difference,” he
said. At the top, the athletes took their time, waiting for the sun to hit the slopes and release the
elevators of warm air they need to stay up.” Eventually they made their break.
This Red Bull X-Alps is not a race between three or four athletes like in previous years. This race is
anybody’s – 35km separated the top 12 athletes while the lead swapped between Maurer, Pinot, Takats
(HUN) and von Känel.
Comments Ulrich Grill, the race’s co-founder: “The race is super fast and the weather seems to provide
good flying conditions. The further the top athletes go west the more likely cloud cover which may slow
them down a bit. Expect the top gaggle to potentially reach Fiesch, Turnpoint 6 by late afternoon and
with a very slim chance to get to Frutigen towards evening. It all depends on how the weather is going
to be crossing the high Alpine range across the Aletsch glacier. This will be a critical point of the race.
The ones, who get across in the air will leapfrog ahead.”
Today also saw a battle at the back to avoid mandatory elimination of the last placed athlete tomorrow
morning. By mid-afternoon that was the Czech athlete Ondrej Prochazka, who was 13km behind
Junming Song (CHN). It’s almost certain that both athletes will pull a Night Pass and hike through the
night in a bid to avoid being in last place when the axe comes down.
Follow all the action via Live Tracking on redbullxalps.com, which is also home to the latest updates and
athlete stats. You can also find the most exciting content from the race on our social channels.
Red Bull X-Alps is the world’s toughest adventure race. It’s a fiercely contested battle across the Alps
lasting almost two weeks in which around 30 athletes run, hike and fly by paraglider up to 150km a day
passing set Turnpoints positioned across the highest and most iconic mountains of the Alps as well as
in famous resorts. With athletes often hiking up to 4,000m of vertical ascent each day and running as
much as 100km on foot, it’s not only an incredible test of physical endurance but also of flying skill.
Red Bull X-Alps is the ultimate test of body and mind and only open to the world’s best adventure
athletes and paraglider pilots.
Red Bull X-Alps was founded in 2003 by the late adventurer Hannes Arch and Ulrich Grill and has taken
place every two years since. The 2023 edition marks 20 years since the first race took place. Every
edition since 2009 has been won by the Swiss athlete Christian Maurer, or ‘Chrigel the Eagle’ as he has
become known to the race’s legion of fans and followers.
Red Bull X-Alps is tailor made for spectators and fans following the race online. At the heart of the
adventure is Live Tracking. With its advanced GPS trackers and state-of-the-art mapping overlays, it
takes fans to the heart of the action and lets them follow live, in real time on redbullxalps.com. Live
Tracking is supported by Esri and Bullitt Satellite