
Will We See a Triple Backflip at the Kings and Queens of Corbet’s?

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Kings & Queens of Corbet’s 2023 Official Replay in 4K UHD. Year six of this legendary competition is the best one yet, filled with tons of jaw-dropping action and adrenaline-pumping aerial acrobatics. The competitor lineup features Olympians, X-Games medalists, competition veterans and hungry first-timers. Sit back, lock in, and enjoy the show.

who is who??

RUN 1 Alex Hackel: 3:45 Jake Hopfinger: 6:11 Summer Fenton: 8:10 Cam Fitzpatrick: 9:41 Parkin Costain: 11:43 Mason Lemery: 13:39 Madison Blackley: 14:58 Grant Giller: 16:05 Karl Fostvedt: 17:45 Cooper Branham: 19:52 Ben Richards: 21:24 Yuki Kadono: 23:09 Windham Miller: 24:46 Blake Wilson: 26:02 Claire McPherson: 28:05 Veronica Paulsen: 30:04 Corey Jackson: 31:28 Amy David: 33:19 Sarka Pancochova: 34:21 Piper Kunst: 37:40 Colby Stevenson: 39:59 Cheryl Mass: 41:25 Jack Wiley: 42:59 Nial Romanek: 44:58 RUN 2 Karl Fostvedt: 49:14 Yuki Kadono: 50:30 Mason Lemery: 51:42 Grant Giller: 52:53 Cooper Branham: 54:33 Jack Wiley: 56:00 Summer Fenton: 57:34 Claire McPherson: 58:43 Nial Romanek: 59:57 Alex Hackel: 1:01:03 Cheryl Mass: 1:02:21 Colby Stevenson: 1:04:03 Windham Miller: 1:05:34 Madison Blackley: 1:07:16 Sarka Pancochova: 1:09:23 Cam Fitzpatrick: 1:10:52 Blake Wilson: 1:12:36 Veronica Paulsen: 1:14:19 Ben Richards: 1:16:25 Amy David: 1:17:50 Piper Kunst: 1:18:39 Corey Jackson: 1:19:53



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