
Feel strongly about climate change?

Now you can have your say

In the next issue of Adventure we will have readers and freinds of Adventure – opinions on climate change

You can have your say

simply answer these questions and send to [email protected]



Yep, excuse the pun but a very hot topic


We are running a series of features on global warming and climate change in Adventure


But first we are reaching out to contributors and friends of Adventure to get their opinion and input.


Few simple questions:

Global warming?

– Fact or fiction



Why do you think it’s not real?



In your PERSONAL experience, what have you noticed (needs to be something you have seen of felt, not read about) that shows the impact of Global Warming


Is there any one thing that you personally feel we should all be doing to assist in solving the issue?


Is there anything that you are doing personally to help solve the problem?


Are we simply too late to fix the issue?


Any other comments?


This will run in the December issue of Adventure – if you have specific bio shot you would like us to run please supply and any #@ or www.

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